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TTC vs. Asherman's

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I must admit - I've been lazy this last couple of days. I sold my last couple of bottles of chilli and haven't made any more yet. But we got the ingredients and will be making again tonight. I would love to be able to quit my job and do it full time, but we've still got a long way to go to do that.

My BIL went in for a fistula op on Monday and the dr said that once we've done the renal angiogram (next week Friday) we must go up to JHB again in about a week's time for the appointments with the surgeons and some blood tests again and then in about a week from then they'll do the transplant. I'm so happy for my BIL that this is coming to a point now, but at the same time I'm absolutely terrified. Having to deal with my DH's pain (he hasn't been for more than three op's in his life), the hectic JHB traffic etc. (I will NEVER send him to do this on his own) and then the fact that two of the three technicians in our business will be out of action for a couple of weeks is really scary. How will we survive this financially when things are rocky on a good day at the moment? I hate having to worry about money. It's an earthly thing that definately doesn't buy happiness but without it ...... I pray every day that God gives me the strength to cope with anything through the day and the wisdome to make the right choices in everything I do. I will keep on doing that and just try not to think about tomorrow as that makes me scared. I just hope and pray that everything will go well with this op.

1 comment:

  1. I really pray that all works out well....

    and to top it off, you become the "Chilli Queen of SA"


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